Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Art and Soul Retreat with Heidi Darr-Hope

What if imagination, art and our nighttime dreams are not the frosting but the fountain head of human experience?

Who: Heidi Darr-Hope, mfa

What: 2008 Art and Soul Retreats- Small groups exploring spirituality, nighttime dreams and the joy of creativity

Absolutely no prior experience is necessary, only a commitment to honestly explore your creative potential.

When: Dream Mandalas – Saturday, August 2 - Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Learn a visual form of contemplative meditation

A mandala is a work of art composed of a sacred circle within a square or rectangle. Mandalas have been created by many different cultures as a visual means to lead the mind into introspective meditation or prayer. This workshop will focus on discovering and creating your own personal healing dream mandala. These mandalas will amplify the meaning of your dreams. Several different techniques and materials will be introduced.

Fee: $195 includes lunch & all art supplies

Where: Columbia , South Carolina ’s beautiful downtown historic arts district
Vista Arts Studios, 808 Lady Street , Vista Arts Building , Studio #2

Registration: class size is limited. To reserve your spot, contact me by responding to this email

Future 2008 Retreats -

Collage Illuminations - September 6 - Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Reveal untold stories by creating a series of collages. The symbols in our dreams will guide our way.

Painted Dreams - October 11 - Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Contemplate the language of color and experience the insightful urgings it holds for us to ponder.

Drawing from the Dream - November 15 - Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Trust the process and learn the meditative art technique of blind contour drawing. Transpose your dream symbols into powerful insightful drawings.

Dream Amulets & Shrines - December 6 - Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Create a personal altar for contemplation, for gathering strength and for renewing one's soul and spirit.

4th Annual Retreat in Mallorca , Spain - Creating Sanctuary – exploring Spirituality, Creativity and the Dream – May 23 – 30, 2009

For more information, please visit Heidi Darr-Hope's website here.

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