CYBER FYBER is an exhibition of international fiber art scheduled for January 8th through 20th, 2009 at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios, 808 Lady Street in downtown Columbia, South Carolina, USA. The brainchild of Vista Studio resident artist Susan Lenz, this exhibit will focus on the supportive, global community of fiber artists with whom Susan regularly shares new techniques, contemporary approaches to textiles, and finished work. Fiber artists from over 26 countries and forty-six states in the USA will be represented. Each one has an Internet presence through websites, blogs, and textile forums.
The exhibition will include three primary areas: Over 150 Fiber ATCs (Artist Trading Cards); more than 225 fiber postcards; and the work of nineteen international invited artists, including Emmy Schoonbeek and Jacqueline de Jong of The Netherlands; Maggie Grey and Lynda Monk of Great Britain; Beate Knappe and Wanda Lenz of Germany; Annica Lindsten of Sweden; Arlee Barr of Canada; Dijanne Cevaal, Dale Rollerson, Sharon Boggon, Doreen and Ebony Grey of Australia; Penny Sisto of Indiana; Nikki Wheeler of Washington; Veleta Staffney and Corinne Stubson of Oregon; Jill Rumoshosky Werner of Kansas; and Fulvia Boriani Luciano, Susan Sorrell and Susan Lenz of South Carolina.
There are two special days planned in conjunction with CYBER FYBER, Fiber Day and ATC Day.
FIBER DAY: On Saturday, January 10, 2009 Gallery 80808 will host Fiber Day. Susan Lenz will be partnering with Creative Sewing (519 12th Street, West Columbia, SC) for this event. This will be a day in which visitors can experience the joys of sewing machines, embellishers, hands-on demonstrations and discussions as well as "Show-n-Tell" by experts and amateurs alike. Susan Lenz will also conduct two demonstrations: The Stitch Family(a hilarious presentation, perfect for children) and HOT (heat activated processes for the contemporary embroiderer.)
ATC TRADING DAY: On Saturday, January 17, 2009 Gallery 80808 will host ATC Trading Day. This will be an opportunity for EVERYONE to trade ALL KINDS of ATCs. There will be no age or media restriction. The artists at Vista Studio are inviting everyone to participate in an INTERNATIONAL RANDOM ATC TRADE.
For additional information, please contact CYBER FYBER organizer Susan Lenz at (803) 254-0842 or in the gallery during the show at (803) 252-6134; email at cyberfyber@prodigy.net or mouse_house@prodigy.net.

Above: Selection of fiber postcards
Top, left: Postcard 91 by Barbara Bunchuk of Florida, USA
Top, center: Postcard 147 by Karen Christensen of Illinois, USA
Top, right: Postcard 113 by Nellie Durand of Tennesse, USA
Bottom, left: Postcard 84 by Juliane Lofquist-Birch of Illinois, USA
Bottom, right: Postcard 103 by Suzan Widecrantz of New Jersey, USA

Above: Selection of fiber postcards
Vertical on left: Postcard 72 by Donna Royer of Canada
Vertical on right: Postcard 30 by Susan Sawatzky of Washington State, USA
Center, top: Postcard 36 by Pat Thornhill of the United Kingdom
Center, middle: Postcard 75 by Caroline Commins of California, USA
Center, bottom: Postcard 46 by Judy Carpenter of Georgia, USA

Above: Selection of fiber postcards
Vertical on left: Postcard 34 by Fannie Narte of Texas, USA
Vertical on right: Postcard 58 by Anne Jones of France
Center, top: Postcard 62 by Susan Devonport of the United Kingdom
Center, middle: Postcard 42 by Pearl Hamilton of Canada
Center, bottom: Postcard 68 by Nikki Wheeler of Washington State, USA

Above: Selection of fiber postcards
Upper left: Postcard 10 by Jacque Davis, Illinois, USA
Lower left: Postcard 23 by Jane Howie of New Zealand
Upper right: Postcard 6 by Anne Marie Desaulniers of Canada
Middle right: Postcard 1 by Virginia Spiegel of Illinois, USA
Lower right: Postcard 12 by Karen Stiehl Osborn of Nebraska, USA

Above: Blackwork embroidery by Wanda Lenz, Germany.

Above: Fiber Book Earth by Jacqueline de Jong, The Netherlands.

Above: Hand embroidery by Susan Sorrell of South Carolina.

Above: Detail of Digital Reliquary by Maggie Grey of Great Britain.

Above: Multifariam by Nikki Wheeler of Washington State.

Above: Detail of Katel II by Lynda Monk of Great Britain.

Above: Wetlands, hand beading by Veleta Staffney of Oregon.

Above: Strange Fruit VI, art quilt by Penny Sisto of Indiana.

Above: My Funny Jolly Spring, machine needle felting and hand embroidery by Beate Knappe of Germany.

Above: Detail of Garden, hand embroidery and beading by Emmy Schoonbeek of the Netherlands.

Above: Detail of Haiku II, art quilt by Fulvia Boriani Luciano of Rock Hill, South Carolina.
What a collection of work! I cannot wait to see the show.
Cyber Fyber looks simply fabulous!
I wish I lived closer and could be there every day the exhibit is open!
[url=http://www.pi7.ru/zdorove/1842-umstvennaya-deyatelnost-ne-spasaet-ot-slaboumiya.html ]затишье [/url]
Здравствуйте уважаемы читатели данного форума! У меня в семье такая проблема. С мужем мы разошлись, но не в разводе. Брак хочу сберечь.Поэтому для меня важно наладить отношения с родителями мужа. Изначально ,я им понравилась, относились ко мне хорошо, буквально каждый день с улыбкой встречали. Но прожив какое-то время, я стала в них развосхищаться, т.е. мне показалось, что они фальшивят, кроме всего прочего много было ситуаций. После такого, как с мужем мы разбежались, вся его семья отвернулась от меня. Я никогда с ними не ругалась, никогда грубого слова не говорила им. Старалась выглядеть в их глазах достойно. Но в последствии такого как благоверный ушел, его отец сказал мне по телефону, что он буквально каждый день был против нашего брака. Для меня это был шок. Как человек мог притворятся 3 года? До сих пор тяжело в это поверить. С его мамой у меня отношения никакие.
Посоветуйте, как можно наладить отношения? Они живут за 300 км от меня. И общаться со мной вообще не хотят. Плюнуть на это не могу, т.к. есть веские причины. Они на нас с мужем делают постоянные рассорки, наводят любую чепуху, и быть может в следствии этого мы все никак не можем помириться
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